Elvis McGonagall: Gin & Catatonic?

31 JUL - 25 AUG (NOT 12) - 12:20
The Radio 4 regular kicks down the
rotting doors of power with his trademark blend of anarchic wit, satirical
verse and dazzling Weltschmerz. Metaphorically, obvs. He's really on the
sofa drinking cocktails with his cat. 'Righteous ire directed at very
deserving targets' **** (Guardian). 'Funny, angry, tightly written
quick-fire verse' **** (Scotsman). 'Tack-sharp humour and uncompromising
politics. Hilarious' **** (List). 'Wonderfully acerbic, exactly the sort
of thing the Fringe was made for' **** (ThreeWeeks). 'Astute observation,
thrilling hyperbole, utterly hilarious' ***** (EdFestMag.com).
'Beautifully worded invective and brilliant wit' *****