Confessions of a Redheaded Coffeeshop Girl
Rebecca Perry Productions Inc.

30 JUL - 25 AUG (NOT 6, 13, 20 AUG) - 16:00
Recent anthropology
graduate and feisty redhead Joanie Little is stuck working as a barista,
studying the 'creatures' (customers) as if she were Jane Goodall,
bushwhacking through the jungle to study chimpanzees! In her 'coffeeshop
jungle,' hilarity ensues, with jazzy tunes, co-worker showdowns and maybe
even romance! 'Solo performance at its best… rolling out a cast of
characters like a wild kingdom field guide! I dare you not to fall in love
with Joanie' ( As seen on TV. –
Best Musical 2014. Edinburgh Fringe Sell-Out 2015 and in 38 cities
worldwide! ***** (CBC).
£10.00 - £14.00
30 July 2025-25 August 2025
60 minutes
Age guidance 8+