Tartan Tabletop: A Dungeons & Dragons Comedy
Tartan Tabletop

30 JUL - 24 AUG (NOT 11 AUG) - 18:00
Calling all Dungeons & Dragons
fans! The Tartan Tabletop gang are back after their second sold-out run at
the Edinburgh Fringe. Get ready for improvised comedy at the roll of a
dice as our four heroes blunder their way through an adventure like no
other – aided by the weird and wonderful Noblin the Goblin, played by a
different guest star comedian every night! Whether you're a seasoned
player or new to the world of tabletop gaming, this show was made for you.
Roll for initiative!
Get access to
£10.00 - £15.00
30 July 2025-24 August 2025
60 minutes
Age guidance 14+
Audience participation, Strong language/swearing