Patrick Monahan: The Good, the Pat and the Ugly
Vivienne Smith Management

30 JUL - 24 AUG (NOT 11 AUG) - 21:00
Cancel culture is fast
approaching. What can/can't you say? What is there left to say? And
everything in between. Stand-up comedy, in a sit-down world! 'Monahan is
somewhat of a legend in Fringe terms.. A loveable, likeable comic.... he
loves to entertain and make his audience laugh. And he always succeeds'
****½ (, Edinburgh Fringe 2024). 'Patrick Monahan is a
great comic' **** ( 'Definite must see!' **** (Edinburgh
Festivals Magazine). 'Hilarious without being outrageous' *****
£9.00 - £15.00
30 July 2025-24 August 2025
60 minutes
Age guidance 14+
Audience participation