Gag Race
The Queer Comedy Club

30 JUL - 24 AUG (NOT 11, 18 AUG) - 15:00
The power to judge
comedians in the competition that sells out in London every week! Gag Race
is unlike any other comedy competition. The comedians perform their best
material for you and afterwards, from our app on your phone, you score
them out of five for their Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve and Talent. Our
super computer tallies up all the scores and then we crown the winner of
Gag Race based on your scores! Everyone wants the crown but who will win –
literally you decide. From The Queer Comedy Club. 'An institution'
(Guardian). 'Outrageously funny... inspirational' (Attitude Magazine).
£9.00 - £12.00
30 July 2025-24 August 2025
60 minutes
Age guidance 14+
Audience participation, Strong language/swearing